Poem: Past Present and Future


She is tired and weary.

Her hands are calloused, scarred.

Tired of being beneath men and society.

When will she be his equal?

For this cannot be the end of all eternity,

For this is what she refers to as her sequel.

She stands up for freedom.

Her image defies society’s standards.

Her voice is exceeding her being

Her journey is long, tiring.

She knows she can no longer be beneath him

But she knows happiness is near.

In her mind she repeats,

“I am strong! I am brave! I do not fear!”

Her voice was heard loud and clear.

She smiles for she is free,

Belongs to no man, for education is key.

Her legacy will forever follow. 

For her dreams are no longer of tomorrow. 

She is her own, forever formed.

For this she has written history.

No longer is she beneath him.

Instead, she holds her own head,

As his equal and no longer a mystery.