Poem: Broken Glass

Broken glass

The shards and fragments are sharp


The pieces cut and I bleed

Broken glass

It seems I found a new layer of masks

A filter through which I once saw the world

It once seemed completely real

But it’s shattered

So many things I treasured

Never actually mattered

Broken glass

With my feet I step around

Not wanting to get hurt or make a sound

Broken glass

I was in a see-through cage

Insidious as it was

I didn’t know I was in it

Until the glass was broken from all my rage

I lived my life and kept it safe

Too scared to take a leap of faith

Played it small

But enough is enough

I will no longer be contained

Broken glass

What I thought was a window

Was really a mirror

Through which I could see my reflection clearer

Those around me had their way of showing me

The parts of me that I tried not to see

The mirror cracked

The image I had of myself

Has fallen apart

Feelings I’ve never felt

To depths I’ve never known

Are now coming to the surface

An unstoppable ocean

I am a woman of every emotion

Broken glass

Picking up the pieces

Rearranging them to make art

All the individual colors, shapes, sizes

Come together to make a whole

Now I can see the mosaic of my heart

Broken glass

The original structure is gone

All my flows are free to roam

My senses and intuition now take the lead

As I settle into inner peace

I’m raw and I’m real

Never knew how good it would feel

Or how much my soul would heal

When it all started with

Broken glass

Photo by Daniel Mingook Kim on Pexels