Posts tagged feminism
Interview: Hannah Fields from Folkways Press

I liked Hannah from Folkways Press as soon as we started chatting. I discovered that we had the same point of view about diversity in publishing, had both gotten our master’s abroad, and we even shared similar childhood experiences, like our love of reading and writing from an early age. It was an absolute pleasure catching up with Hannah to talk about her journey of launching Folkways, how it’s going so far, and where she sees the future taking her.

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Interview: Author Elizabeth Bales Frank

After I finished reading the latest novel by Elizabeth Bales Frank, Censorettes, I instantly felt the need to pick her brain and discover more about the author as well as the story. Elizabeth was kind enough to give me a bit of her time last week, on Censorette’s publication day, no less! Keep reading to learn more about the author, the history behind her novel, and her advice to aspiring writers.

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Historical Spotlight: Magda Szabó

Magda Szabó is a Hungarian writer who lived and worked in the mid-20th century. Under Stalinist rule from 1944 to 1956, she was not allowed to publish her works because her writing did not align with the guidelines of Socialist Realism. Instead, her writings are filled with female characters she referred to as "terrible women" because they did not behave in conventional ways.

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